
Coded counting :-)



During Europe Code Week we met a nice wizard Baltie.
Ozoboty - Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 w Chełmie

Code Week- class 1 Runowo/Poland

Graph paper programming

In this activity the pupils give instructions to each other for the purpose of drawing a previously drawn graph. The aim is to make students understand what it means to program, what is an algorithm and what is a program


Happy maps

This lesson is from the "Happy Maps" lesson plan of Code.org
On a map drawn on the notebook, the pupils must help a character to reach the fruit by writing down the instructions.

The algorithm

One of the fundamental concepts of computer science is the algorithm. In this lesson we have been busy with this. In class, the teacher divides the pupils into two groups: programmers and robots. The programmers write instructions for the robots to reach the blackboard and draw a smile.

Unplugged coding: second activity

During this lesson we stopped to think about the instructions that the programmer gives to the machine to do the work. On a map drawn on the floor, the programmer had to give instructions to the robot to get an object.

The game of robots and programmers

In this game the programmers give instructions to the robots to move in a very precise order:
  1. Arms stretched along the sides
2. Arms stretched forward to shoulder height
3. Arms on top
  4. Lowered arm
5. Greeting with your right hand


Coding with mBot

To my children came to visit mBot. We gladly gave him instructions and he performed them :-)